Korah rebelled against Moses. 

Sunday 30 July 2023 Sermon -By Bishop Jim Nduruchi

The story of Korah’s rebellion against Moses is found in Numbers 16:1-40 in the Old Testament of the Bible. It serves as a significant example of the consequences of challenging God’s chosen leaders and authority.

Korah, along with some other prominent members of the community, Dathan, Abiram, and On, rose up against Moses and Aaron, questioning their authority and leadership over the people of Israel. They were from the tribe of Levi, which had been assigned specific duties related to the Tabernacle and religious service.

The rebels gathered a group of 250 leaders and confronted Moses, saying, “You have gone too far! The whole community is holy, every one of them, and the Lord is with them. Why then do you set yourselves above the Lord’s assembly?” (Numbers 16:3)

Moses, known for his humility, tried to reason with them, but he recognized that their challenge was ultimately against God’s chosen leadership. He said, “In the morning the Lord will show who belongs to him and who is holy, and he will have that person come near him.” (Numbers 16:5)

The next day, as the rebels stood with their incense burners, the glory of the Lord appeared before the entire assembly. God instructed Moses and Aaron to step aside so He could consume the rebellious group. Moses pleaded with God not to punish everyone for the sins of a few, so God instructed the people to move away from the tents of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram.

As the people stepped back, the earth opened up and swallowed the rebels, their households, and all their possessions, plunging them into the depths of the earth. It was a divine judgment against those who had rebelled against God’s appointed leaders.

Additionally, to further validate Moses’ and Aaron’s leadership, God commanded each of the 12 tribal leaders to place their staffs in the Tabernacle. The staff of Aaron, representing the tribe of Levi, miraculously budded and bore almonds, confirming God’s choice of Aaron as the high priest.

The story of Korah’s rebellion stands as a powerful reminder of the importance of respecting God’s appointed leadership and not challenging the authority God has put in place. It also highlights the significance of humility and obedience before the Lord, who ultimately guides and directs His people according to His divine plan.


  1. the sermon was a blessing i really enjoyed watching it on youtube

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