Lesson on humility and righteousness

By Bishop Jim Nduruchi

Luke 18:9-14 is a parable shared by Jesus that illustrates a valuable lesson on humility and righteousness. Here’s a summary of this passage:

In this parable, Jesus tells of two individuals who go to the temple to pray. The first is a Pharisee, a religious leader known for his devotion to the law. He stands proudly, thanking God that he is not like other people, especially the tax collector, and listing his righteous deeds. He exudes self-righteousness.

The second person is a tax collector, who was considered a sinner and traitor in the eyes of the Jewish community. He stands at a distance, humbly beating his chest, unable even to lift his eyes to heaven, and prays a simple, heartfelt prayer: “God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

Jesus then concludes the parable, stating that the tax collector, the humble sinner, went home justified before God, rather than the proud Pharisee. The message is clear: God values humility and a contrite heart over self-righteousness. Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, while those who humble themselves will be exalted in God’s sight.

This parable serves as a reminder of the importance of approaching God with humility, acknowledging our shortcomings, and seeking His mercy, rather than relying on our own self-righteousness.

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